Hi friends, I had my very helpful daughter deliver my newest painting up to the gallery today.. and I thought I'd share a little bit more about this painting. Stand Tall . . . with those poppiesI have taken the longest time to complete this painting because I have been back and forwarding over the colours.. the background.. the eyes.. the hair.. honestly… it's driven me a little nuts… but the reason I have sent it to the gallery now.. is that i LOVE the way she looks directly at me in a DEFIANT way.. like… STOP THIS NONENSE.. I AM COMPLETE. enough. You know that tall poppy bs right? .. it's a well known phenomena in Australia and New Zealand.. where anyone who is doing well at something.. anything.. is put down in someway by those who feel 'less that' or whateverthehellelseisgoingonintheirhead. I am also bumping right up against my own 'upper limit' in that I am learning right now how to create and launch my own little ecourse. It's FREAKING ME OUT.. and .. making me excited. So… I am trusting the second part.. and learning to live with the first part. I'm working with a word for this month.. it happened upon me the other day.. RELEASE… I even have some oil called the same from Young Living oils. It may even inform the theme for my ecourse… releasing my own limitations is an ongoing thing … you too? that's it for now, love Denise. view 'Stand Tall' in person at Tiffany Jones Fine Art Gallery, Buderim. (it will be on their site within the next day or two)
Wendy King
28/8/2014 04:10:18 am
Hi Denise, I love your painting. My biggest problem when creating is FEAR. Fear it won't be good enough, fear it won't be as lovely as the last piece I made, fear of imperfection. But I am working on my inner critic a lot since last Dec and have surprised myself at what I can achieve in my art. I use positive self talk a lot when creating so I can push past the fear. Now I try and create something daily. For me this has been a wonderful and amazing change to my life, kind regards, Wendy
28/8/2014 08:07:43 am
Hi Wendy, Comments are closed.
January 2016
Books I Love“There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.”