"What a difference an app makes!" Several hours on this painting again today and still the man's face and head look redonkulous. nope.. can't even share it. I'm having some fun though.. pouring lots of love into this painting.. it's like a gift to my marriage.. which may sound weird.. but all the love I pour into other paintings.. they're most bound for another location.. but this one.. if/when I ever finish it to a point i love it all… can hang in my house :) I mean.. who else is going to want a Chagall like tribute.. that includes a star ship enterprise.. and until a few hours ago.. a giant tea pot, tea cups and a large colourful chicken on that tea table.. GRRR.. see.. I painted over that chicken as it 'wasn't quite right' .. but (^(%(*&*( it.. sometimes I want to keep the .. not quite right.. interesting.. my fingers just typed that without me filtering … hmmm.. curious. Ok.. note to self… I have permission to put whatever the hell I want into this painting because it's for meeee.
find out more about the Retreaty Gypsy Workshop in JulyGood morning friends, This makes me want to write one for myself… do you have one? I shared the link to an interview in another blog post in January, but having listened again in the car this week to Jamie's and Tami's chat I heard again his 'Creativity Manifesto' and I wanted to keep it, read if often, and share it with all & sundry. As I begin February, and the Year of the Wooden Horse, this realllly spoke to me, I have had a shit time this past week dealing with my hyper vigilant perfectionist, mild anxiety associated with my creativity resulting in feeling frozen and not painting, it's a new month, I'll be addressing it for sure, and this kind of truth telling (Jamie Catto's creativity manifesto shared below) goes a long way towards helping me release the crappola and move into some kind of grace, a space for self forgiveness and self love. Insights at the Edge. From a podcast called: Breaking the Approval Addiction and Expressing Our Creative Gifts Tami Simon: " OK, here we go. So this is from Jamie Catto’s "Creativity Manifesto:"
Jamie Catto: "I’m in. I love hearing you say it." full transcript of the interview can be found here: http://www.soundstrue.com/podcast/transcripts/jamie-catto.php?camefromhome=camefromhome with love,
Denise. Tonight I'm sharing a work in progress with you ... as part of our Color of Woman journey we each are to do a painting of our Legendary Self... this is one of the painting sessions that has challenged me greatly, and took me a long while to get from its beginnings.. to the middle stage that is pictured below. I am sharing it because, it already has given me such joy by its sheer existance, it's showing me a strength and grace that I admire very much and I guess I seek to embody... it's somewhat empowering to and for me... to see qualities emerging in a painting that I want to embody in myself.. this is an intrinsic piece of the alchemy that I have been witnessing in this Visionary painting method I have been learning... and will soon be teaching. ![]() She has messages for me.. and one of her totem animals seems to be the Heron.. Strength and Grace are central characteristics and the 'little red riding hood' reference goes back a long way, and probably has several meanings. One of the memories my Dad recalls having is of me as a young girl; I was wearing a hooded red rain coat and riding on the back of my sisters bike "you looked just like Little Red Riding Hood" he always says. My view of my Dad has been tainted by many years of stuff, so having small cherishable memories like that, is precious to me. I also never liked the feeling that Little Red Riding hood seemed helpless to the trickery of that wolf, so now she has grown up, she carries her own damn axe and is not beholden to any wood-cutter to come and rescue her. I feel empowered when I look at this painting, and so.. with a deep breath.. I'm sharing it here. Oh... I had my 45th birthday on Saturday, wow!! that was fun too, I went to Noosa National park and swam!!! got spoiled by my husband and daugther for the weekend, went to a fancy dress party with a friend who shares my birthday! might share some pics tomorrow or this week sometime... oh.. and pressies... two new tea cups with Klmpt art on them.. ooohw, LOVE those... they will feature in new little tea pics soon. I really love when people offer specials when it's their birthday.. if you've been eyeing off a print let me know and I'll see what kind of birthday discount I can offer you. with love,
Denise. This was the scene in the spare room of my parents home this time last year... I set this up to be like an alter right next to where I'd be art journaling for the month.. Mum had one of my prints hanging on the wall... and a picture of Mary.. or more than one in every room actually. I felt somewhat comforted by this Mary picture with her bunch of angels hanging out... so I gave her pride of place overlooking my artful adventure... little did I know... I would be joining the likes of Shiloh Sophia McCloud and Jenafer Joy, and Stella Mac and Effy Wild... and be part of a wild and wonderful bunch called the Cosmic Cowgirls ... and just over one year later I will be meeting many of them in California! and Helllloooo... running a "Paint Mary with me" retreat/workshop this month too Today... my Muse must have been with me.. along with my daughter.. I found this gorgeous luggage tag that has so many visual messages that have meaning for me... The colour 'limoncello' is a favourite of my dear mentor/teacher/inspirer Shiloh... I feel like I'm flying from a cage... that's metaphorical.. I did a mixed media piece a couple of years ago..and it's been profound the many layers of crappola I've been leaving behind sometimes daily.. but you know.. on the whole.. I'm in a much better place :)... and the crown!!! well Sovereign.. and I painted Queen of My Own Heart this year.. so that's a gorgeous little addition... this trip is an adventure... a loooong adventure.. and the crossing of the San Francisco... Golden Gate Bridge is part of it too. That's about it..a short sweet post for tonight.. there are only 2 spaces left for the Paint Mary with Me retreat.. so if you are wanting to come... register at your earliest convenience.
bye for now, love Denise.. When I set the date for a full day 'Creativitea' I didn't actually realise it was 'Good Friday'.. and therefore a public holiday.. but this allowed for three beautiful lady's to come along who might not have been able to had it been a work day. I am sometimes finding it's not always suitable for people to come on the dates I set, so please be aware, that if you have at least two friends who would like to come to an artclass/tea party hosted by me, then you can always contact me to see if we can make a date that will suit you. I am looking at doing an evening class on Friday night 12th April - 6pm til 9'ish. ... so be quick if you'd love to come along to that one. The idea of these current 'Creativitea' classes is really quite free... you're free to play and explore, and I am there to assist you in whatever way I can. It's been described as very relaxing, and many women express the joy of having given themselves time out to do something creative. I will be introducing a more structured workshop/retreat style class in the not too distant future, so keep in touch if you'd like to hear more about that. You can join my mailing list here. I love the diversity of these artworks... all fabulous... and all so very different from eachother. Magic happens!
with love Denise. Paint Mojo with Tracy Verdugo!I have declared this year is all about learning new art techniques, as much as I can.. so going to Tracy's workshop was part of that ... I wanted to see in person what all this dripping and colour and creatures was all about!!! Wow, what FUN, it was hands down the best workshop I have been to so far... I have learned along the way that I am a kinaesthetic learner, I need to DO ... not just sit and listen to someone 'talk' about doing... in fact.. those kinds of classes make me want to hit my head on the desk really hard. I was so thrilled to be painting and plain happy to be there, that grin was plastered to my face for much of the weekend... apart from when I was freaking out about covering up half of the canvas with white paint! I was lucky enough to have several friends also booked in to do this workshop, that made it ever so much more special for me. Tracy's beautiful canvas... the one on the right is the almost finished piece. So, that's a bit of a snap shot of the weekend, having two days together was really great, and allowed for us to work on 2-3 pieces, I loved it very much, and learned a bit more about .. letting go, surprises within a painting, colour, and freedom and joy to play with a whole new technique. YUMM.
bye for now, love Denise xo Tracy Verdugo : http://artoftracyverdugo.blogspot.com.au Katrina Woodland : teaches art classes in Indooroopilly, Brisbane - red door art studio Dear friends who have bought calenders & prints, and paintings. I am so grateful! I've made a decision to apply for a very special course next year, and each sale of my calendar (about $5) is going into savings... and all the new artwork that I've been doing, a percentage if not all of the proceeds, and print sales will be going back into my learning. I'll share more along the way, once I've been accepted and know it's a sure thing... but for now.. this is a little snap shot of some of my newest paintings, in varying stages of completion. The little ones above are on small boards, they're a totally new thing for me to try and I am LOVING them... they start off in all kinds of chaos... and I leave them to dry many times, turn them 90 degrees, add some colour or marks... and come back and add some more... and then I look into them like a 'crystal ball' and see what image is beckoning... or hint of a shape is catching my eye... I'm looking into new print options for some of these petite pretties. This beautiful lady in red tones is on my easel at the moment, not much more will be changed, I love the depth and sensuality she presents with this rich colour. The small one is a soft and gentle piece inspired by the gorgeous Jacaranda trees that are in bloom here in South East Queensland at the moment, they are so very beautiful. I stood beneath a tree in Buderim a few weeks ago and actually asked 'what gift do you bring, blooming with such extraordinary colour and covering the ground with your purple flowers?' Much like the idea of eating the fruit that is in season is most beneficial and healthful for our system... what gifts do the flowers bring. I wondered to myself.
2013 Calendar with 12 little prints of my artwork insideMy three arrived today Denise...they're beautiful. I ordered mine on the 21st Nov. and they arrived from the US today!I (26th November) only paid $9.99 for postage!! Fantastic xx RJ - Melbourne That's about it for now love Denise xo I had a beautiful group of women come for Creativitea time on Friday, and the stencils from Artistcellar were a HIT!!! The favourite of the day turned out to me the water & coral series... I'll make another little post showing all four sets... and some spray experimenting I did with the 'Cathedral Series' *high pitched soprano voice* You can visit the online store & see the stencils here. Creativitea is a very playful, free time, anything goes, the idea is to have as much fun as possible while experimenting and trying new things, mixed media makes this very doable. I love it when I hear back from people they haven't had that much fun in a long time... or they have found their inner artist again... or for the first time!! I am so thrilled with the stencils I received from Artistcellar... lovely Lisa, owner of Artistcellar sent me them as a gift to share at my workshops! How wonderful was that, I am happy tell you about her online art supply store, a friend and I made an online order a short while ago and the 'stash' arrived in a really short time, under 10 days from the USA is fabulous!! bye for now,
love Denise x Yesterday I made my first little video... I had a bunch of photo's from my second solo show back in 2008, that were waiting for me to get to them. As I worked my way through it's creation I was moved by the smiles on the faces of my family and friends and visitors to the opening, it was an incredibly celebratory day for me, and the gallery in which my work is represented shines beautifully thoughout the pictures.
On a more personal note... I felt like I was making a movie about someone else... someone I actually love and admire, but have not been so in tune with for the last 18 months or more, with the global financial crisis in late 2009 came a bit of a jolt and a personal artist/life crisis as well. Various things have contributed to bouts of depression and the fact I had allowed myself to become anemic once again, have brought me to a big check point where I am taking a long hard look at my life and health and wanting very much to clear out the rubbish and embrace my true self once again... with renewed strength and clarity. I’m not quite there... I’m somewhat confused about my work... but more ok about that lately than I have been these last months... after all, beating up on myself for not doing enough, not being enough, and not having enough is really the most unhelpful I can be for any kind of progress to come out of that same scenario. This little video actually made me feel genuinely happy, the music by Frou Frou is such a gorgeous accompaniment to the feeling I had for the artwork. It is my pleasure to bring something joyful into the world. Love Denise xo |
January 2016
Books I Love“There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.”