Hi friends, I had my very helpful daughter deliver my newest painting up to the gallery today.. and I thought I'd share a little bit more about this painting. Stand Tall . . . with those poppiesI have taken the longest time to complete this painting because I have been back and forwarding over the colours.. the background.. the eyes.. the hair.. honestly… it's driven me a little nuts… but the reason I have sent it to the gallery now.. is that i LOVE the way she looks directly at me in a DEFIANT way.. like… STOP THIS NONENSE.. I AM COMPLETE. enough. You know that tall poppy bs right? .. it's a well known phenomena in Australia and New Zealand.. where anyone who is doing well at something.. anything.. is put down in someway by those who feel 'less that' or whateverthehellelseisgoingonintheirhead. I am also bumping right up against my own 'upper limit' in that I am learning right now how to create and launch my own little ecourse. It's FREAKING ME OUT.. and .. making me excited. So… I am trusting the second part.. and learning to live with the first part. I'm working with a word for this month.. it happened upon me the other day.. RELEASE… I even have some oil called the same from Young Living oils. It may even inform the theme for my ecourse… releasing my own limitations is an ongoing thing … you too? that's it for now, love Denise. view 'Stand Tall' in person at Tiffany Jones Fine Art Gallery, Buderim. (it will be on their site within the next day or two) I had a small melt down this week (in great company.. inside a mastermind group I am blessed to meet with) about this smash book teaching thing… because it seems to be counter to creating art/painting/whatever (this is very likely the voice of my inner critic.. because it’s never happy, never thinks I do enough, or am good enough, or paint enough, or sell enough *&^*%*&* the list could go ON) … but… on deeper probing… I discovered.. that for me. my Smashbook is a self created safe space.. and it is this Opportunity that I feel compelled to share (that is.. HOLD SPACE for) ... it has the potential to be a self created safe space… and that is quite intrinsic to a life of an artist. (or human BEING for that matter) As I went into my beliefs around my creative process.. my self as ‘artist’... the thought also flitted past... that I wish I had been shown this as a child.. growing up... I recall some really harsh teachers.. and how rubbish they made me feel... they didn’t realise (or care?) at the time the turmoil I had going on inside me. So, in my workshops I always hope that I can create circles in which artists, mums, friends, sisters, daughters, sons, dads, people who are grieving, people who are healing, anyone's really.. can come and through the gentle process of intentional creativitea ….. enjoy a restorative space in time. The picture above is from my art table on Sunday.. I'm creating a smashbook called 'MOTHER LOVE'.. so I am putting in anything that reminds me of my Mum… and some things that relate to me as a Mother myself… when you create your own alchemical container.. you can decide whatever you like that will go in it.. and it's perfect. Perfect for you. I'm having a competition? no.. I hate that word.. I currently have a delightful opportunity.. for one dear person to win an Intentional Creativitea Session with me via Skype.. and a personally created Smashbook for them. You can find out all about that here. Entries close 1 Sept 2014. And… if you want to find out more about smashbooking with me… (visit info page here) I have two workshops open for registration being held at Doonan - up near Noosa..(Qld, Australia) on Thursday 11 Sept.. and another on Saturday 13th Sept. These will be held at LuluArt .. at a gorgeous super sized art table with seating for 8… and windows overlooking a beautiful dam.. and birds singing.. and water lily's floating. It's very retreat like… and as always.. there will be plenty of tea. #smashbookdd is what I'm using on my instagram to share pics relating to this. love Denise x if you can't be bothered moving to another page to read What is a Smashbook … I'll write it here too: What is a Smash Book? |
January 2016
Books I Love“There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.”