Creativitea Time Spending time at Creativitea was divine, nothing short of divine! Amazing environment, beautiful surrounds, the fabulous Miss D, sumptuous morning tea, exquisite morsels, the studio bathed in light and filled with brushes, paints and play materials, I was super happy with my canvas and the freedom and support to let my creativity emerge, yet Denise was on hand for any questions and tips.
A beautiful space and the other women were simply wonderful. We were all tucked into our creative zone yet plenty of laughter and pockets of chatter laced the morning into perfection. There is no pressure here, just permission, support when wanted and the exact space needed to let yourself unwind and your creativity unfold.
I was honoured to be Denise's special guest, the atmosphere she provides is nothing short of perfect. I was definitely blessed by the experience and will most definitely be back. ♥ ♥ Love Lynika xx
Cards from Fine Art AmericaHi Denise. I got some cards of your art and they are really really beautiful. They are so high quality and the paintings look wonderful. I am really impressed. The canvas's must be even better. Hope to get more of your cards and art. Geri x click here to see more about how to order some cards of your choice.
Art Journaling play/workshop Time meant nothing as I was totally immersed in the creative experience under Denise's gentle and encouraging guidance. Free to be me and create as I wish I could barely contain my excitement as my art journal unfolded exactly how it was meant to be. I learned that there is no right or wrong when creating, no need to be perfect, just allowing the process to simply unfold as the creation forms a life of it's own.
Denise provided a warm and nurturing environment.... combined with her delightful personality a very comfortable, supportive space was created . Memories. laughter and stories were shared along with hot teas and yummy healthy homemade delights which were so graciously offered. I couldn't think of a more wonderul way to spend a day and will definitely make it a regular pastime...thanks Denise for a fantastic day!
Rinnell Noosa Heads
Creativitea Time I loved my Creativitea time meeting new interesting people and under the guidance of Denise I learnt to ‘let go’ and not worry about what I was painting. When you are used to organising all the time this can be difficult!! Denise taught me that it didn’t matter what you put on your canvas as you could always change it and create something different. There is no right or wrong way, just ‘your way’! I would recommend the ‘Creativitea’ experience to anyone who wants a little bit of ‘me’ time. Dianne Buderim
Creativitea Time I had the most rewarding joyous time at creativitea today. Denise is so inspiring and the studio is very peaceful. Being around Denise makes me want to explore my creativity and to make time for me! The homemade cakes and tea in a tea-pot was a special treat. Thank you I will definitely be telling my friends! ♥ Maxine Robinson
Artwork Donation Hi Denise. I won "Loves Me, Loves Me Not" at tonight's Give Me 5 for Kids art auction. She went straight onto a wall where you can see her from all over the house. She looks just like I want to look (lifelong wishful thinking!) and like my 2 beautiful daughters do look. I saw the painting first thing as I walked in and thought "that's the one I want tonight". So I just want to say thank you for donating to such a great cause and help to make the night such a success. Liisa
Warmest wishes to you Liisa, enjoy.
Creativitea Time Denise I loved everything about the workshop. Particularly for me, as I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, you had heaps of resourse material available. This along with your own personal knowledge gave me the inspiration and confidence to loosen up and try new techniques and ideas, and I love what I created! Delicious homemade treats and tea too! Thanks so much and i look forward to another Creativitea Party soon. Helen Wodetzki Buderim
Creativitea Time
Denise, Thank you so much for such a lovely “Creativitea” day! Spending part of my day with such lovely inspiring ladies was just what I was looking for. I loved learning more about Mandalas and this has certainly ignited my mandala flame! I love the relaxed environment that you have created in your art space and this just adds to lovely relaxed feel of your class.......oh! ....and the morning tea!.....must say I loved that carrot cake........ and the bliss balls!.......well, they were just pure bliss! (recipe please...haha) Thank you again for such an inspiring and Creativitea day, as you know I am coming back again so I will see you soon and thanks for sharing your wonderful talents, you are truly inspiring. Lisa Liddell
Creativitea Time
I had the most wonderfully inspiring & fabulously fun morning at the Mandala 'Creativetea' workshop :) To be able to learn in an artists own private studio feels quite special & a real privilege. You've ignited a new passion in me Denise - I drew so much last nite, I gave myself a blister - hahahaa! Thankyou for sharing your expertise & warmth ~ looking forward to playing again soon. Love Meg Twidle 'Stytchy Wytchy Stuff by Meg Twidle'
Creativitea Time
Hi Denise, thank for such a fabluous and fun day yesterday! I so enjoyed myself in your wonderful play ~space that you have created.....I felt nurtured with your yummy healthy treats, made with love , enjoyed the great company of wonderful creative women coming together to play, and you unlocked the door to my creative juices and got them flowing once again! A visit to the art shop is on the list for some of those gaawgus vibrant colours to play around with . . . . . thank you , Rinnell ♥ guest at Creativitea time June 2012
Creativitea Time Creativitea with Denise marked a new beginning for me. Playing with paints and colour is something I've wanted to do for ages. I work with colour and I wanted to learn to express the healing qualites of colour and symbols in new ways. Now I knew this was going to present some interesting challenges for someone who's spent much of her life being concerned with 'getting it right' and let that stop me from trying new arts. All that melted away when Denise said 'If you don't like it just paint over it and start again'. Light bulb moment for me I can tell you!! Denise gave me permission to just go over it. So simple I know, but it was the permission I needed.Once I embraced that freedom I was away. I felt liberated and the next few hours flew by as I happily started again and again. I came home with a painting I'm happy not to go over again, all within the three hours.I'm so grateful to you Denise, for giving me permission to not get it perfect the first time. I went home from Creativitea, set up my own mini-studio, bought more paints and canvases and am playing with shapes, colours and symbols that I love. Denise, you've unleashed my inner artist.....much gratitude.' Dianne Graham Colour Healer Sunshine Coast
December 2011 Below is an incredible piece of artwork by a little girl who is only 9. She has some very challenging health conditions, as well as being autistic. When I saw this painting I was blown away by the freedom and stunning confident use of bright and bold colours... it's absolutely fabulous, what an honour to find out that I have inspired this little earth angel in such a way. And... I only have one good eye as well, I was born with a 'lazy eye' I didn't keep the patch over it as much as I should have... I sneaked it off whenever I was out of my Mother's sight, I hated seeing the world through blurry vision, it turns out, one good eye is all I've needed. Thank you so very very much Emalisse, I LOVED seeing your painting very much. xxx Denise
"Not bad for a little autistic girl with good vision in only one eye. Thank you for filling her with joy through your beautiful work Denise xxx " L.C.
by Emalisse - age 9 ~ inspired by 'Loves Me Not, Loves Me"
Hi Denise Just wanted to let you know how much I love your art - I especially like 'He Loves Me Not He Loves Me'. Congratulations on being an inspiration to all of us who are still seeking their place in the world. Sent with love and hugs (from snowy Scotland), Lucy xx
He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me
"I was so delighted to read on your blog about your recent sales. You deserve the VERY best. Your work is so inspiring to me, it just speaks of love, joy and hope!!" Jodie.
"So to me, that's what your paintings speak of, the need for us, as women, to cherish ourselves and love ourselves! I know from your blog that you're on a spiritual path, just like me and I think that's what attracts me so much to your work, this underlying message that seems to just radiate through your paintings! " J.S. (Switzerland)
Your work is amazing beautifull!!!!!!! just love it :0) Clara on facebook from Germany "Thank you, my print arrived today. She's lovely." A.W.