I had a small melt down this week (in great company.. inside a mastermind group I am blessed to meet with) about this smash book teaching thing… because it seems to be counter to creating art/painting/whatever (this is very likely the voice of my inner critic.. because it’s never happy, never thinks I do enough, or am good enough, or paint enough, or sell enough *&^*%*&* the list could go ON) … but… on deeper probing… I discovered.. that for me. my Smashbook is a self created safe space.. and it is this Opportunity that I feel compelled to share (that is.. HOLD SPACE for) ... it has the potential to be a self created safe space… and that is quite intrinsic to a life of an artist. (or human BEING for that matter) As I went into my beliefs around my creative process.. my self as ‘artist’... the thought also flitted past... that I wish I had been shown this as a child.. growing up... I recall some really harsh teachers.. and how rubbish they made me feel... they didn’t realise (or care?) at the time the turmoil I had going on inside me. So, in my workshops I always hope that I can create circles in which artists, mums, friends, sisters, daughters, sons, dads, people who are grieving, people who are healing, anyone's really.. can come and through the gentle process of intentional creativitea ….. enjoy a restorative space in time. The picture above is from my art table on Sunday.. I'm creating a smashbook called 'MOTHER LOVE'.. so I am putting in anything that reminds me of my Mum… and some things that relate to me as a Mother myself… when you create your own alchemical container.. you can decide whatever you like that will go in it.. and it's perfect. Perfect for you. I'm having a competition? no.. I hate that word.. I currently have a delightful opportunity.. for one dear person to win an Intentional Creativitea Session with me via Skype.. and a personally created Smashbook for them. You can find out all about that here. Entries close 1 Sept 2014. And… if you want to find out more about smashbooking with me… (visit info page here) I have two workshops open for registration being held at Doonan - up near Noosa..(Qld, Australia) on Thursday 11 Sept.. and another on Saturday 13th Sept. These will be held at LuluArt .. at a gorgeous super sized art table with seating for 8… and windows overlooking a beautiful dam.. and birds singing.. and water lily's floating. It's very retreat like… and as always.. there will be plenty of tea. #smashbookdd is what I'm using on my instagram to share pics relating to this. love Denise x if you can't be bothered moving to another page to read What is a Smashbook … I'll write it here too: What is a Smash Book? Is this my 'poor neglected blog' .. or just been waiting til I had something artful to say. I have another blog space I use for my 'anything-i-want-to-say-at-all' wonderings… (A Sip of My Tea . com) but I think I've designated this one to be … just art… as it's on my 'Artist website' … allowing for a variety of personality options is also fun for me :) So today… I am sharing something that began yesterday… and I desire to bring in through all of June… and I'm not promising anything further than that, it only creates too much angst for me. I am joining in a little collective project, thanks to one of the lovely artists I met in Christchurch New Zealand earlier this month. Ruth Reid is instumental in the creative project called JOIN US IN JUNE FOR 30:30 that's a link to the facebook page. The idea is to create something each day for the 30 days of June. Anything… a painting, a page, a cake, a quilt square… anything creative … I'm going to focus on painting, whether that is large or small, or in my art journal, anything so long as I paint every day in June, and try my best to complete something every day in June too. "Create something each day for the 30 days of June" So… why do I think it takes courage to create? Well it's one of my primary ways of expressing myself - and thereby there has been many 'strings' I have attached to it for some years… but THIS WEEK… thanks to a dear friend I had some help, clearing some of those attachments that no longer serve me, and this allowed me a way in that was seemingly difficult / nigh impossible for me to bridge before. I can tell the truth loudly in the pages of my art journal, but to be loud and open on my canvas (when the need arises, inside of myself that is) maybe for the world to see.. feel.. judge… can take courage. The thing (think / thought) I have to remember : It doesn't matter what other people think of me … It matters what I think of me. It matters what you think of you. So… here's what happened yesterday… when I asked for couage to create inside just this one day (taking it one day at a time was also very sage wisdom from my healing session the other day) thanks whole heartedly to you Raelene Byrne. (Medicine for your Spirit) I love the difference it made when I opened her eyes… that took courage from her too. We're a team.. 'my wise inner self, my artist self, inner child, muse… ' it's take a bunch. This painting will be going to an exhibition in Brisbane in June 'Celebration of the Female Form' you can find out about tickets to that here. That's it for today… I better be off, to gather the 'Courage to create inside this one day'.
love Denise xo Below is verrrry simple video I made just to have a go with the You Tube diy thing ... it was quite easy... so am sharing it regardless of its simplicity :) I painted the random colours over some writing in my journal the day before, then after a long conversation with a dear friend I just sat down at my art table, did a very quick pencil sketch, poured out some black paint and decided to take a photo of each line after I'd painted it. I don't have swish cameras set up for taking video so this was an experiment. The one below... yesterday I wrote about 'sometimes i have a headache' because right now, my head is hurting.. for the second day in a row.. I left that to dry and this morning before I did anything, sat in my studio in my nightgown with a pot of tea... and painted this girl. The look I see in her eyes is quite 'fed up' ... and in regards to having a headache... I'd say that sums it up about right. With love, Denise. xo Not sure what possessed me to do this... but... I started a brand new blog in addition to this one
... it's called "A Sip of my Tea" it's a place I can collect my tea pics and sprinkle in a little art as well. Wordpress is not as easy as Weebly but for now, I'm enjoying it. Visit it here if you're cuuuurious. Denise xo .. “Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field. I'll meet you there” Rumi As I embark on the newest little part of my creative ventures... mixed media works on wood and paper ... I hear 'those' voices... "Oh this isn't real art.. you should be painting every bit of it" ... "What... you're using cut out pictures in there" ... "this is crap... this really will not do" .... "grow up" .... Oh the list could go onnnnn and on. But with the strengthening of my Muse voice... or my listening to her... I'm hearing other whispers too... really quickly.... following on from the mean bitch voice... like, "This is a new adventure"... "we're here to have fun"... "if it's bringing you joy... then... hello... do.. it" ... "this little piece of art you're making.. is not going to hurt anyone.. and if you're filling it with such enjoyment then maybe someone else might actually love it too" ... "try it and see" ... "experiment" ... I'm taking a new bunch to the framer this week... and they'll make their debut up at the gorgeous gallery that has my work.. and if anyone has a critical comment to make about them... well... let them say it to my face and hear about the 2 years of being blocked and depressed about it.. hahaha.. that'll learn them! I'll post pics of the new ones once they've been revealed at the gallery. ... I can maybe show some snippets . . . I am returning to a place of play as much as I can when making these pieces... and that feels like a really good place to start.
with love, Denise xo ps. They'll be on display at Tiffany Jones Fine Art Gallery later this month. I was inspired to write this as I was heading to sleep last night. off to pick up the brush,
love Denise xo Sometimes as an artist... or just as me... I feel like I'd like to just keep private, and not tell everyone my business... but then I read about other artists who share their stories or feelings and I LOVE it... I love to be able to hear and read about lives other than my own to feel the connection and resonance with other's stories and how we're not all that different from eachother really. So.... when asked if I would contribute to this magazine... about "Speaking Your Truth" ... I said ... ok. It's quite a long one... so have a look when you've got some time... or just flick through and see if there is a page just for you... today.
With love, Denise. xo |
January 2016
Books I Love“There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.”