A 12 week exploration connecting with your essence of Gypsy'ness through art journaling, self inquiry and painting
Hello and welcome,
Following your curiosity to hear more is often how you find out things you didn't know you had been calling in all along. This is an online class that was conceived and created in 2015... enthusiastically received and tried by a group of women back then. . . and now in 2018 I have brought it 'back to life' on a new platform so that more friends who would be delighted by this, may join the circle and enjoy the material at their own pace and duration. Read more about the class here. Inside the Gypsy Creativitea facebook group* you will meet kindred souls, many of whom have been travelling this path a long while and like to return to this 'creative tearoom' for visits along their way.
Warmest wishes to you,
* the Gypsy Creativitea facebook group is for members of the online course.